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Top winter swimming myths

Term 1 2025 Kids Gymnastics

Kids Gymnastics Term Program is back at Perth HPC! We still have places available in all age groups. Enrol today.

We support the health and well-being of kids in Perth.

Running during the school term and over the holidays, our kids activities are specifically aimed at developing life skills to keep your children healthy, active, and engaged.

Staff members are committed to creating a safe and comfortable learning environment, to achieve the best possible outcomes for your children. All kids activities are designed with an emphasis in promoting participation in physical activity and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Whether your child is at a beginner level or is looking to develop their skills, our programs cater for all abilities. All classes are progressive in nature so your child can grow in skill and confidence at their own pace.


The benefits of maintaining your child's swimming routine over the cooler months are many but common myths see many abandon the togs at this time of year. Here are some myth busting facts about cool weather swimming.

A reminder of winter swimming benefits:

  • Swimming keeps children active throughout the year.
  • Repetition of skills over the winter months stops kids regressing and having to relearn skills when warmer weather arrives
  • Maintaining a healthy schedule and routine is important for kids development
  • For active kids that play soccer, football, netball or basketball, swimming is a great cross-training active recovery that can help ease sore muscles and build endurance, fitness and flexibility.

Myth 1: Swimming during cold weather causes colds

Fact: Colds are caused by viruses, not temperature. Children who swim throughout winter often catch far less colds and flu, as they are often fitter and maintain stronger immune systems. However, it is always important to dress for the weather when leaving the pool. Students should be well dried, dressed warmly, and the use of beanie will assist in maintaining body temperature, avoiding likelihood of illness. It is not recommended to leave the Swim Centre wrapped in a wet towel or swimwear.

Myth 2: Having a break from swimming won't affect a child's water confidence

Fact: Swimming is commonly a confidence-based activity for children, learning to trust a new teacher, new depth in the pool, even a new activity can be a big hurdle for some learners.

Returning after a break can deter student’s confidence, and hinder their willingness to progress in skills. As many students’ swim in summer this can affect the way children spend time in the water when enjoying family water based activities as well.

Myth 3: Having a few weeks break from lessons won't affect a student's skill progression or regression

Fact: Children often spend more time in and around water in summer which increases the risk of potential drowning. Children who stop swimming lessons over winter tend to forget or regress in their swimming skills, especially if their long term skill retention and muscle memory are in the early development stages.

Children are more likely to progress if they continue to develop skills that will enhance their water awareness and safety learnt during the warmer months.

Myth 4: My child only needs to know swim safety in summer

Fact: Drownings can occur all year round in all sorts of waterways. Drownings don’t just happen in summer at the beach; they occur in backyard pools, in the bath or by accidentally falling into a lake, river or waterway. As a country surrounded by sea, with a water sports obsession, learning water safety is crucial.

Being water-wise arms your kids with water safety skills they need to keep safe whilst swimming and around all water environments.

Taking your kids to year-round swimming lessons builds on their skills and confidence to become capable and happy swimmers. Find out more abouHBF Stadium Swim School. 

Find out more about our swimming facilities here.